Last updated: 26-11-2024
We offer buses of various sizes and capacities, from minibuses for small groups to luxury coaches with up to 60 seats.
Yes, all our buses are rented with professional and qualified drivers.
It is recommended to book at least 7-14 days in advance, especially during peak season or for special events.
Certainly. During booking, you can let us know your itinerary and any specific requests.
Additional costs may include tolls, parking fees, checkpoint charges, and extra hours beyond the initial estimate.
A tourist checkpoint is a control point located in strategic areas of cities, used to regulate vehicle and visitor access, often in restricted traffic zones (ZTL) or near major tourist attractions.
Yes, you can specify desired stops at the time of booking.
Yes, pets are allowed upon agreement and must be transported safely.
Yes, we have accessible buses and are committed to meeting the needs of all passengers. Please let us know of any specific requirements during booking.
According to European regulation (EC Regulation No. 561/2006), a driver can drive up to 9 hours per day.
After every 4 hours and 30 minutes of driving, the driver must take a break of at least 45 minutes. This break can be divided into:
15 minutes within the first 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Followed by a 30-minute break before resuming driving.
The driver must have a daily rest period of at least 11 consecutive hours.